In our daily job as veterinarians, technicians, practice managers… conflict situations may arrive from various sources: pet owners, clients, co-workers, employees, dealers, and in addition … as professionals, if we are also present in social media, we will always be under constant public scrutiny. Feeling in constant conflict and tension at work is a utterly important issue and you should actively work on it. In the meantime yoga can help to refocus. The “swallow your pride” saying transmits the physical idea of something too big to swallow, and the fact is that we all have felt that strong, unpleasant sensation on our throats when holding tears back or when feeling some sort of great injustice. That’s why this series will work on the larynx, using sound and in the hip area (iliopsoas muscles), connected to the physiological routes of catecholamines.
Categories: Clinics Yoga, Vet Yogi
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