20 min
As a rule of thumb if you are feeling very anxious, hyped or you just need to rest and cool off, look for more exhale. If you are feeling unmotivated, depressed or very tired you need to speed up, so you should look for heat generation and more inhale. For concentration and focus on high demanding situations look for more anatomical complex patterns such as Ujayi or Nadi Shodhana. And for recovering and protecting yourself from strong emotions look for rooting and centering patterns or just slowing your normal breathing and focusing on exhale.
4 min
Welcome to the Pranayama series. Prana (energy) and Yama (way or path) are the physiological roads that Yoga postures (Asanas) open to lead the reverberation of air (vital energy) to every cell in your body. Asana and Pranayama combined to make you evolve in different ways and improve your health, with Meditation as a final goal. This series should show you what it feels like to intentionally control your breath and use Pranayama as an everyday tool. To start with, you should be in a quiet environment, find silence and take your time. In this first introductory video, we explain the anatomical fundamentals. Then, there's a demo video for each type of breathing pattern, so we made a decision tree with these to help you decide what type of Pranayama is more suitable for each moment you are in.
4 min
Welcome to the Pranayama series. Prana (energy) and Yama (way or path) are the physiological roads that Yoga postures (Asanas) open to lead the reverberation of air (vital energy) to every cell in your body. In this introductory podcast, we explain the anatomical fundamentals of Pranayama and you can check the video also in our YouTube channel.